DriverMAGIC Pro 1.1.3
DriverMAGIC will help you maintain your computers drivers easily and efficiently, using the latest driver technology to identify and source your new drivers for any operating system. Modern computers today have an average of 80 hardware drivers controlling every aspect of your computer. Keeping your computers drivers healthy and up-to-date is imperative for a good computing experience.
DriverMagic does all the hard work associated with maintaining your computers drivers, allowing you more time for yourself, confident in the fact that your computer is running the most efficiently and reliably it possibly can. Each driver listed in our comprehensive search engine is tested by one of our experienced driver technicians and has our quality stamp of approval. DriverMagic has been designed to be as quick and easy to use as possible, everything is automatically managed by DriverMagic and all you basically have to do is click that next button every now and then.