Broadband Scheduler - Free Scheduler Software

sparksspace | Monday, August 31, 2009 | 0 comments

Most of us have  broadband internet service and it has  some of the cheap and best monthly plans for the users all over the nation. BSNL   offered  unlimited night surfing  between 0200 a.m. to 0800 a.m And some of the plans of other  providers include unlimited night downloads from certain time to the other.


As the unlimited net usage timing starts from the midnight, so it is a bit uncomfortable for the users to get up by that time and start their works in net. Generally people don’t like to use computer after the midnight. So they can start the download then switch of the monitor and go to sleep.

Broadband Scheduler is highly useful  tool as it helps the user to set the time when the computer will automatically enable the Broadband connection and start downloading by using other download applications like uTorrent, BitTorrent, FlashGet and other download manger software. This Broadband Scheduler application will automatically disable the Broadband connection  at the closing time you set.You  can also set to shutdown the computer at the closing time. Another feature is that, user can set to start the download applications like uTorrent, BitTorrent, FlashGet and other download manger software at the time of enabling the connection.


8-31-2009 10-20-09 PM


The Broadband Scheduler application has two options for enabling the connection,
1. Settings for Dial-up Connection (Bridging)
Users connect to Broadband manually by using Dial-up connection setup.
2. Settings for Auto Dial Connection (PPPoE Modem Auto Dail)
The Broadband Modem will automatically connect to Internet at time of start up.


Initial Settings :

  1. Open the Installed Directory of ‘BroadBand Scheduler‘.
  2. Open and Edit the file “BroadBand Scheduler.exe.config” ( Notepad ).
  3. Find the key “DailUpConnection” and replace the value with your newly created Dial-Up Connection name.
  4. Find the key “NetworkConnetionName” and replace the value with your Local Area Adapter Connection name in the Network Connections folder.
  5. Save the file and Close it.


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