
sparksspace | Saturday, February 09, 2008 | 0 comments

One of the main reasons why most people switched to other browsers like Firefox and Opera from Internet Explorer is that they are tabbed browsers. The convenience of switching between pages in a tabbed browser is unbeatable.

WinTabber may be the answer ....

                WinTabber can add tabs to many windows. A tabbed browser ,tabbed putty , tabbed terminal or tabbed shell, tabbed anything..WinTabber is a free tool that will allow you to easily transform your multiple windows into a single tabbed user interface. Once WinTabber is installed and running, you can add each window to WinTabber with a click of a button. You can then easily switch windows easily by clicking on the tabs. You can actually have multiple instances of WinTabber running at the same time.


If you are using a version of Internet Explorer earlier than IE7, then you can add all the open IE pages/windows to WinTabber and then easily switch between the pages using the tabs as if IE itself had tabs.WinTabber is a really neat utility and a great Timesaver if you work with several windows at the same time.

WinTabber Homepage

Sams Teach Yourself XML  WinTabber

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