Free Currency Converter

sparksspace | Sunday, December 21, 2008 | 0 comments is a free online currency converter.The site provides users with updated foreign exchange values and quick converter that has every currency value enlisted it.The site refreshes after fixed time intervals in order to change the updated conversion values .


12-21-2008 10-47-49 PM


Service is extremely user-friendly and fast. All you need, is to select amount, base currency and currency to convert to.

12-21-2008 10-59-19 PM   HomePage Currency Converter is a useful Firefox extension which consists of a button that you may add to the Firefox toolbar that uses to convert any amount from one currency to another. When the button is pressed, you are prompted to enter the amount in the original currency. Then you are prompted to enter the original currency and then the destination currency. It is important that the currencies are entered in 3-character ISO currency codes.

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