How to Add “Empty Folder Contents” To Windows Right Click Context Menu

sparksspace | Saturday, December 13, 2008 | 2 comments

There may be need for Windows user to quickly delete and remove the files, but not the folders that storing the files. There is a trick to add “Empty Folder Contents” contextual item into right click context menu in Windows XP, which works on Windows Vista,Windows Server 2003 & Windows 2000 .

To enable the “Empty Folder Contents” right click context menu command, just follow these steps:

1. Run Registry Editor (regedit).
2. Navigate to the following registry key:
3. Right click on shell folder, and then choose New -> Key. Name the new subkey as Empty Folder Contents, or anything you would like.
4. Right click on Empty Folder Contents and choose New -> Key. Name the sub-key as Command.
5. Under the Command sub-key, double click on the Default value data that is located at right pane.
6. On the pop-up “Edit String” dialog window, enter the following value:
cmd /c "cd /d %1 && del /s /f /q *.*"
7. Click OK button to save the setting, and exit from Registry Editor


Those who doesn’t want to manually edit and mess with the system registry  download  from here and apply to merge the empty-folder-contents.reg values to registry.



Now whenever you need to empty he contents of the particular folder, ust right click on the folder and choose  Empty Folder Contents’ from the ontext menu and leave the rest to indows.

Warning:Be very careful after using this tip. You can accidentally delete important files.

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