Test Your Connection With WinPing

sparksspace | Tuesday, January 06, 2009 | 0 comments

Ping program; useful to test your connection. Enter a web address or a valid host name, e.g. http://www.google.com or google.com, or a valid IP address, e.g. (google.com). The IP addresses are converted into host names and conversely. An empty input gives local IP address.

1-6-2009 5-57-18 AM

The button "Options..." opens the WinPing options: Infinite Loop (runs pings in a infinite loop and shows the average in real time), Multiping (for several pings one after the other), Retries, Timeout in milliseconds, Average of the response times, Hostname List, ip-to-country File... Sort and Replace utilities will allow you to edit and save host name list, countries list or any text file. The "Auto-Save" option will allow you to save thousands of lines of pinging information (in Infinite Loop Mode). A Ping Graph (with axis scale and Y-offset adjustment) allows you easily to view, in real time, Average and Pings points for every loop.

SysReq:Windows XP/Vista|630KB|Freeware|Microsoft .NET Framework


download_thumb[1]   WinPing

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