Ultimate Process Killer
Windows Task Manager shows what process are currently running in your computer.If you want to end a process , that can be done in Task Manager, but you can not delete the file directly from the system from there.Especially when you suspect your computer is affected by some malware or spyware.Task Manager has limitation to show detailed information of a process running in a PC.Here Ultimate Process Killer , a small utility help you.
Ultimate Process Killer shows detailed information such as the path of the process, thread, priority, processor time, page file size ,creation date,caption,description etc.UPK is a lightweight utility (only 212 KB).There is no need to install program.Just run it and you can select any process and kill it by clicking on the kill process button.This tool is very useful when you want to delete a virus process with Parent virus file which is running the process
Ultimate Process Killer |
Freeware |212KB
Category: Freeware, System Tools, Utility