How to set Multiple Download Sessions in Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer does not allow more than two simultaneous download sessions. This is to comply with certain Internet standards that prohibit multiple file downloads at a time. This can however be changed by making changes in the registry.Make sure that you follow these steps closely and only in a manner as described below since certain changes to the registry can be risky. Do make sure that you read the footnote at the end of this tip.
Click “Start | Run”.
Type in “regedit” and click “OK”.
In the registry, navigate to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Windows| CurrentVersion|InternetSettings”.
Click “Edit | New|DWORD
Value” and name it as “MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server” Double-click on the newly created Value and enter the Value Data as “10” and Base value as “Decimal”.
Again, click “Edit | New| DWORD Value” to create another Value and name it as“MaxConnectionsPerServer”
Double-click on the newly created Value and enter the Value Data as “10” and Base value as “Decimal”.
Close the Registry Editor.
NOTE: This tip violates Internet standards if used outside a closed network. Microsoft does not recommend this change in an open network since it conflicts certain standard procedures. The above tip will increase the number of simultaneous downloads to 10.
Category: Internet Explorer, Registry, Tips, Tricks