How to correct Mixed up Icons in XP

sparksspace | Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | 0 comments

Your OS has been behaving weirdly,with the icons in ‘My Computer’ on the Desktop and the Quick Start bar have been changing of their own free will. There are several reasons why this could happen. This can happen if Windows no longer updates the icon cache properly. To verify this, open a folder with incorrectly displayed icons. Refresh the screen by pressing [F5]. Then close the window, re-open the folder and then restart the computer.
If the problem persists, renew the icon cache ‘IconCache’. Windows recreates the file automatically if you change the color depth of the display. For this, right click on a free area of the desktop and select ‘Properties.


In the ‘Settings’ tab, modify the current color depth from ‘Maximum (32 bit)’ to ‘Medium (16 bit)’. Click on ‘Apply’ and ‘Yes’ one after the other to confirm. Then set the original color depth again  If that is still not sufficient, click ‘Start |Run…’, type ‘regedit’ and click ‘OK’ to
open the registry and find the key




In the right-hand pane of the window, create the ‘REG_SZ’ value ‘Max Cached Icons’ with ‘Edit |New | Character string’ and set it to ‘2000’ for example. This number defines the number of intermediately saved icons. Values between 100 and 4096 are possible here.


11-4-2009 9-06-45 AM

After closing the registry, delete the file ‘ShellIconCache’ or ‘IconCache’ under your profile in ‘Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application Data’ and then restart the computer.

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