Kaspersky Mobile Security

sparksspace | Sunday, May 11, 2008 | 0 comments

Kaspersky Mobile security is a convenient and reliable solution that protects smartphones from malicious programs that target mobile platforms.Viruses, worms and Trojans have spread beyond personal computers. With the growing popularity of smartphones and communicators (that are essentially small computers), malicious programs for mobile devices are appearing in increasing numbers and diversity. For an in-depth look at how widespread mobile malware really is in the modern world, read our white paper, "Mobile Malware Evolution".

In developing Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile we have combined the latest Kaspersky Lab technologies to protect mobile platforms with our long experience of working in the antivirus field. This solution offers effective protection for your smartphone and personal data from malicious programs.


Anti-Theft Protection
  • Remotely blocks or deletes all personal data on your
    phone if it’s lost or stolen.
  • Notifies you with the new phone number if your SIM card
    is removed.
Anti-Malware Protection
  • Blocks unwanted SMS & adware messages.
  • Keeps your phone free of malicious programs.
  • Prevents your PC from becoming infected when syncing.

extend http://rapidshare.com/files/118311489/Kaspersky.Mobile.Security.v7.0.32_S60v3.zip
Pass: twistysdownload.com

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