Karen's Replicator v3.5.12

sparksspace | Monday, June 02, 2008 | 0 comments

Karen’s Replicator is a free backup and synchronization utility. Automatically backup files, directories, even entire drives! Karen's Replicator copies selected files from one drive/folder to another. Source and Destination folders can reside anywhere on your network.

You have the options to only copy files that have changed and also keep an exact copy, thereby deleting all the files in the target folder that have been deleted in the source. The program comes with a built in time, that allows you to schedule it to run at user defined times. You can create multiple jobs, however, each job is limited to the content of one folder (subfolders), you cannot exclude/include individual files.

  • Karen’s Replicator will allow you to choose source and backup destinations as you wish; it will not insist on replicating directory structure, as some other programs do.
  • You can set the source and backup so that the latter will store all files from the original whether they currently exist there or not; i.e. deletion of file from source will not prompt deletion of same file that was previously backed up.
  • Alternately, folders can mirror each other exactly, such that removal of a file from source will result in the same in destination
  • You will discover that some folders you would want to mirror the originals, and others you would prefer to store everything that ever existed in the source directory. Karen’s Replicator will allow you to selectively apply these settings to specific folders or groups of folders.
  • sparksspace025

    Sys Req: Win All | Freeware |Ver:3.5.12 |2.05MB

    Download: Karen's Replicator 
    Visual Basic Runtime v6.0

    (Note: Karen's Replicator's installer will automatically download and run the Visual Basic Runtime installer, if necessary.)

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