– For Book Lovers

sparksspace | Wednesday, July 02, 2008 | 0 comments

Shelfari provides an online watering hole for book lovers to congregate and spend time together. For book lovers this will be particularly appealing as there are powerful collaborative features that can help you quickly organize your library and interact with others with a similar passion. To start you go through the simple sign up process, then pop over to the build shelf section and start adding your books.


Adding books is easy. Click on ‘Build Shelf’ and search for the books you want to add. You can search for the book by its title, author, subject or ISBN number. In almost all cases multiple editions of the same book will be listed and you need to only choose the edition you have. If you have a lot of books and you are comfortable with creating tab-delimited text files you can download the sample text files and use the format to fill in your list. You can then simply upload it to fill your book shelf in one step rather than try to add it to the shelf one by one. If you have a lot of books to be added to the book shelf consider this option. Once you’ve added your books you can view them on your bookshelf in the ‘My Shelf’ section. From here you can do many things. There is a Top 10 List, a Reading List, and a Wish List. Click on any of the books in the shelf or find them via searching and click on the + sign.

Shelfari Logosparksspace005 Shelfari Logo

The Explore option allows you to view all the books on the Shelfari shelves from many perspectives. You may want to look at the top Shelfarians by number of books, the number of tags they apply to their books, those who are most active with their comments, or who write the most opinions. You may want to explore the books looking at the most talked about books or the ones with the maximum opinions, and also see recent comments on the books.

Exploring groups can help you get started in finding communities with interests similar to yours. You can either search by keywords or browse to find what you are looking for.

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