Pristy Utils 2009
This suite of applications will help you manage your computer and will improve its performance.
Utilities included:
System PowerDown
Complete scheduler for computer Powerdown,Reboot,Sleep,Log off,Lock desktop,Timer Presets and with custom options.With this application you turn off your system at specific time it's fully customizable and uses preset's.Why?...You save power and extend your computer life. Web Assistant
Organized links for multi-tab supported web browsing with integrated search engines.With this application you can get more from web browsing without any random clicking.What?...Links are organized in Web Search, Database, News, Services and much more. PC Detector
Computer hardware lookup, sound tests, LCD Death Pixel seek and collecting data.Check your PC system components what are they and how fast they are running.Why?...To be sure what did you bought. Vista Booster
Optimization settings, CPU L2 setup, Boot defrag, Fonts repair and Install Opera browser Block Content. This application optimize and speedup system.Why?...To get more from your computer. Memory Cleaner
System RAM cleaning and reclaiming.With this application you can clean your RAM.
Why?...To get more RAM without any system reset to get refreshed. File Wipeout
Permanently erasing for unused important files and delete temporary files.With this application you permanently erase important files if you don't need them any more.Why?...To be safe and secure. Desktop Clock
Supported as classic floating app and gadget.The last application is floating desktop clock with detailed information about current time, date and CPU speed.
SysReq:Windows XP/Vista|Freeware|2.07MB