Check & Read Emails From Multiple Gmail Accounts

sparksspace | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 0 comments

In the recent times many are using multiple GMail accounts like  personal GMail address, GMail address with employer,GMail address for  personal business .This requires much logging in/out to switch between everything.It is  very inconvenient to have several browsers running or keep logging out of one to check another account.

13-01-2013 06-14-2813-01-2013 05-51-07

Is there a way to keep all of these accounts open in the same browser at the same time without constantly having to log in/out?

Following Firefox and Chrome browser extensions   helps you stay connected to multiple Google Mail accounts at the same time.

13-01-2013 06-18-42For FireFox

Gmail Manager
MultiFox extension
CookiePie 1.0.5
Gmail Login Switcher

13-01-2013 06-20-17For Chrome
Google Mail Multi-Account Checker
Quick Login for Google Accounts
Google Account Switcher     - 0.2.1

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